In 2017, children in Primary School were asked what they felt about living in the village and how well they knew people who lived there. They noted they didn’t know many people who didn’t have children in school (in their class) with the exception of a few neighbours sometimes.
Many talked about the 40th Anniversary of the school (2016), as a really special time and that they loved being a part of Pencaitland at that time. They thought it was a shame there weren’t things that older people and children - or older kids and other adults - could do together.
When asked what they thought they would like as a way to spend time with older people and other adults / teens, “A choir for everyone” was one answer.
Adults in Carriage House cafe were also asked what they would like in the village - a community choir was the answer again, so Loreen began scoping out creating a community choir.
Over a 6 month period she sought support for the development of a community choir in practical terms as well as interest and shared desire, which came from Community Council, Pencaitland PS Parent Council and members of public and local elected councillors. Volunteers were sought to lead the choir, and an event was organised, with the Clark Community Choir, to scope interest and feasibility for an intergenerational community choir.
The event, “Our Big and Wee Sing" was a great success. Clark Community Choir sang, engaged the audience in the Trevelyan Hall in several songs and shared their journey to become an intergenerational choir. Led by a local teacher, the children attending that night enthusiastically joined in and everyone had a wonderful time.
As part of the event, those present were asked to sign up if they would like to sing with an intergenerational / community choir locally and also invited people to sign up if interested in helping to form a committee. There was a great response to both.
Loreen organised a meeting to discuss the formation of choir three weeks later and our first committee was born, with all essential positions filled! Over the ensuing months, many people put in hours of hard work, determination and enthusiasm as the choir evolved. We received support from Pencaitland and District Community Council to use the Trevelyan Hall free of charge, which helped us get off to a flying start.
We shared news of the choir at local events such as Pencaitland Primary School Spring Fayre, with posters around the village and through social media. The committee took on various various administrative aspects required too, to ensure that everything ran smoothly and that the understanding of the choir ethos was maintained:
Intergenerational with a social break each week to give attendees opportunities to develop relationships and new friendships
Now based in the Bowling Club, the choir has become a huge success over the past few years. Gradually evolving slightly away from the initial remit - the choir is mostly made up of adults of all ages. Whilst children are always welcome at our regular practices, we have found that participating in specific events, such as the Scout fundraiser, School Spring Fayre and family open days, has been the best way to include younger generations at this stage. However, the choir continues to develop and we look forward to singing our way into the future!
Special thanks to Loreen for all her efforts in making the choir a reality!
Committee 2024
The choir has a committee of 10 people:
Mona Burns, Chairperson
Charlotte McMillan, Choir Leader
Selina Sibbald, Treasurer & Secretary
Emma Shepherd, committee member
Fiona Tennick, committee member & community council link
Gill Sinton, committee member
Loreen Pardoe, committee member
Sharon Fitzpatrick, committee member
Vicki Summerfield, committee member
One vacancy
Back: Sharon, Charlotte, Selina, Anne , Gill
Front: Mona, Emma