Events & Performances

Upcoming Events

Calendar of Events

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Past Events

Community Christmas Carols

Christmas tipples and tunes at Pencaitland's pub and restaurant, The Winton. We sang for about an hour and guests enjoyed a mix of carols and Christmas songs. Joining in was actively encouraged!

Songs for The Sick Kids

Now a regular event in the choir's festive calendar, we brave the elements to help raise funds for Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity. We venture into town, usually on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, and sing for a couple of hours on the steps of The Dome. This year we raised a massive £600.  Absolutely delighted!

Choir Christmas Carols Sheet.pdf

Pencaitland Tree Lighting

Thanks to the Community Council for another lovely village event. The annual lighting of the tree accompanied by choir, school brass band, mulled wine and mince pies. Yum!

Community Carol Sheet Attached

Glenkinchie Festive Weekend

We were delighted to be invited back for the fourth year in a row to sing for shoppers at Glenkinchie. Always a lovely venue to play and plenty of opportunities for folks to join in with the singing.

Archerfield Christmas Shopping 

Always a brilliant night at Archerfield Walled Garden for their Christmas Shopping event. We sang for an hour straight to a packed cafe crowd, and managed to raise about £40 in our collection box. Archerfield always give us a donation too, and we distribute the money raised at all our public performances between various community groups each year.

Remembrance Service

We were honoured to be asked to contribute to this moving service once again. We sang a beautiful Karine Polwart song, Travel These Ways, which was written during lock down  and gifted to the world to enjoy. Thank you to Karine and to Luminate/Dementia Friendly Singing Network. We also sand an a cappella version of the traditional Scottish/Irish song The Parting Glass.

Sing 4 Stroke

On Tue 29 October we performed a wee concert for guests at The Winton in Pencaitland to raise money for the Sing 4 Stroke campaign. We raised over £700 and sang some of our favourites.

Pencaitland Lunch Club

We were delighted to have been invited back to Pencaitland Lunch Club on Wed 3 April. We always get such a warm welcome and enjoy everyone joining in.

Pencaitland Scout Group Fundraiser

On Sat 23 March we joined Pencaitland Scout Group at their fundraising event. We sang two 40min sets to a packed room of villagers, who were also treated to a gigantic raffle and some of the best baking this side of Edinburgh. The highlight had to be when the Cubs and Beavers joined us for some yodelling and to sing a Beatles classic. Yodellay-hee-hoo!